The Wind Howls

What’s left is the decay

leaving behind shadows

in the memory of flames

and an ominous tune

carried in the wind

once sung by the wolves

a tune that belongs to winter

as it slowly crawls into

the scarred forest..


Jaded Youth

my past is in the dust

kicked up by these boots

I am now fully grounded

on these small-town routes

and dirt under my fingernails

while the sun hits my back

the North of neglected roots

re-staking an old map

once, a jaded searcher

now, a protector of my worth

ten years I feel I’ve fallen

the sun shines from this day forth

caveats surrounded my youth

i’m re-interpreting the signs

my line of sight now crystal clear

those old bearings: left behind

through this valley of dust

a different path, I carry on

up the hills and through the grass

a newfound line has been drawn..


Quiet Corner

in this quiet corner

charming houses sit still

the morning sun peaks over

into the canopy, it fills

the sidewalks are hardly used

and nobody seems to leave

a slight breeze is just enough

to shake the hanging trees


No Birds Today

there are no birds today..

just the song of wind

as a storm crawls by:

a taste of winter

in the spring’s end

while the roots take a final drink

and the birds fly north as friends

at the cusp,

there are no birds

just the song of wind

and a cold touch..


 Certain Memories

the mountains, they roll on

and the tires grip the ground

certain memories fade

certain memories are found

the smell of the backroads

on a winter’s morning

the town with that river

under a summer’s day

just a child taking it in

an adult trying to retain

it’s funny how some memories

are gone before they fade


In Darkness, In Light

hopefulness is showered by the morning glow of the sun

birds communicate, shadows form, a new day fills in

the winding road on top of the hill is a world away

from the dampened soil—where other microcosms thrive

protected by the seedlings and the trees’ decaying leaves

the question still persists: what is dark? and what is light?


Remains of a River

what’s left of its past

long neglected

no longer seen

hardly heard

a boundary for a town

the line gets washed away

it’s where the fog begins to form

where the creatures feel safe

but it’s the shadows in the water

that show the town’s true face


Branch by Branch

tracks divided the open land

but they soon were abandoned

so the land began to take it back

branch by branch, leaf by leaf

slowly, without a doubt


and now the sun continues to shine

the raindrops replenish

another day passes,

the line fades



Dead Dreams

they arrived with dreams of gold

the land left fruitless in return

a crying wind across their plots

where dry grass drifts slow

discarded in dust,

glimmers under the sun

reminiscent of the color:

a dream that once was..


Believe in the Spring

believe in the spring

and she will believe

in you


for she has given her all

crying before the bloom


The Bend

the birds are louder

on this secluded side

the wind is gentler

dust seems to settle in

i walk on hardened dirt

following a sunlit road

trying to rid the past

as i approach the bend

the setting sun seeps through

soaking the leaves’ ends

i must follow the last of the light

i must follow the bend